Saturday, November 23, 2013

Guitars tattoo designs and music note tattoos

Guitars tattoo designs and music note tattoos

The selecting of your tattoo is something you should put a lot of thought into as you will have the tattoo the rest of your life; tattoo artists have many selections of tattoos at there parlors you can look through but if you don't find something you want, you can ask the tattoo artist to create you a customized tattoo. Once you have figured out what tattoo you want, taking care of it is very very important.

Guitars tattoo designs and music note tattoos

A professional and diligent tattoo artist will, as he or she is applying you tattoo, clean and administer antiseptic ointment,to your tattoo, as they work. Well trained artists know this process is important to keeping your tattoo in good health. When the tattoo artist has completed your tattoo, they will wipe it down, give it another cleaning, and then once again apply antiseptic ointment, then will then put cellophane or soft tissue over the tattoo to protect it.

Taking proper care of a tattoo isn't difficult, as long as you are given the correct information, and this should be given by the tattoo artist, once he or she has given you, your new tattoo, he or she, should take a bit of time out to tell you how to look after the tattoo properly and more experienced tattoo artists will give you a leaflet you can read that will supply information in detail.

Keeping your hands clean is a good idea when you first get a tattoo, you want to avoid getting the tattoo infected. When you arrive home with your new tattoo its not a good idea to get in the shower right away, the best plan is to keep the tattoo dry, for the first few days, but keep cleaning it every few hours.

Apply this ointment for the first few days and it will keep your tattoo free of infection and germs. When the ointment starts to dry on the tattoo, you can gently wipe it off and apply some more, for the first few days stay away from soap, make sure you don't rub your tattoo to hard, or it might damage it, and interfere with healing.

Guitars tattoo designs and music note tattoos

After that time you can stop using it and switch to using an unscented body lotion. The skin under your tattoo can easily be irritated by lotions with scents at this point, so avoid them.

After a few days of using the lotion you can cease using it. Many times a scab forms in some areas, once the tattoo has healed. Be careful when picking off any scabs that are on your tattoos as you may end up causing damage.

Unless you choose to get a tattoo surgically removed, a tattoo is for life. A tattoo can be a lot of fun to have as long as you take care of it. Taking proper care of a tattoo will keep it healthy and infection free, if you follow directions on how to care for a tattoo you won't have any problems.

Guitars tattoo designs and music note tattoos

Guitars tattoo designs and music note tattoos


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