Music note foot tattoos
Deciding what kind of tattoo you want, or where to get it, gives you the opportunity to express yourself. For this reason, the style and placement that is right for you may not be right for someone else. Foot
tattoos have become very popular recently, and there are many things to consider, if you are thinking about this.
Music note foot tattoos
One of the biggest advantages to foot and ankle tattoos is that they are easier to conceal. This is a plus if you have a professional job, or are considering one. Tattoos, while becoming widely accepted, are still considered unprofessional, so concealment is very important.
Though a foot tattoo has many advantages, there are some drawbacks, as well. First, foot tattoos can be painful. The skin is very close to the bone on your feet, which means that there is very little muscle or fat to cushion the pain. The good thing is that foot tattoos are often very small, so you will not be in pain for long.
Music note foot tattoos
Also, foot tattoos usually need to be touched up more often than tattoos in other locations. This is because foot tattoos are often subjected to conditions that are a bit more harsh, such as heat, moisture, and poor air circulation when you are wearing shoes. After some time, the ink tends to run and make your tattoo look blurry.
Music note foot tattoos
Since there is no right or wrong choice for a foot tattoo, the design will be up to you. Commonly, music note foot tattoos are chosen, but other popular designs are stars and writing. Many tattoo artists have several books, including a foot tattoo gallery, that can help you choose. However, your artist can give you valuable input when designing your tattoo, if you choose not to go with a predetermined design. Together, you can come up with something that will represent your personality. Just remember that larger or more complex designs will cost more, take longer, and prolong the pain that you will have to endure.
Music note foot tattoos
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