Music heart tattoo designs
One of the most important and key factors to successful healing of your
tattoo is the initially aftercare. Your tattoo is generally an open injury and prone to infection until some healing has taken place and all pores and needle punctures have closed up. This is the stage where keeping the tattoo covered for a period of time and keeping the tattoo clean is essential.
Music heart tattoo designs
For the first couple of days the tattoo needs quite a bit of attention, although the advice given by many tattoo Artists may vary you will find that there are some basic ideas that all will share. Once your tattoo or session is complete the Tattoo Artist should follow some variation of the following steps, they will clean the tattoo with antibacterial soap, some will apply petroleum jelly and cover with a bandage or clear plastic film then they send you on your way, now the care of your tattoo is up to you.
The bandage should be kept on for at least 4 hours, preferably 12-24 hours, this will give sufficient time for everything to close up and any bleeding to stop, after sufficient time has passed remove the bandage and thoroughly wash the tattoo with soap and water, use antibacterial soap if available, only hand wash the tattoo, do not use cloths or sponges. From this point on keep the tattoo uncovered and allow drying for a day, periodically washing the tattoo with soap and water to clean it during this time.
There are many options when it comes to keeping the tattoo moisturized during healing, each Tattoo Artist has their own preference, some things to avoid are any moisturizer that contains any type of alcohols, perfume or added scent, Vaseline (petroleum jelly) can suffocate the tattoo and is believed to fade the color of the tattoo after prolonged use.
Some of the most recommended moisturizers are pure vitamin D or some diaper rash ointments; any unscented A&D ointment will be sufficient. Some people have been known to develop an allergy to Bacitracin, Triple antibiotic and other ointments may contain it and are therefore not recommended. The healing process generally takes 10-15 days during which time it is essential to keep the tattoo moist to avoid any scarring and accelerate the healing process. Moisturize the tattoo twice daily, washing off the old moisturizer and allowing the tattoo to breathe (1-2 hours) then reapply fresh lotion.
Music heart tattoo designs
Keeping the tattoo clean and moisturized is the best defence against infection but some other factors must also be considered. If you work in a chemical, greasy, dirty or unsanitary environment, wear tight fitting clothing or if you got your tattoo in or near a high-bacteria area such as the armpit, buttocks then the tattoo must be protected, taping dry paper towel over the tattoo can help keep out dirt and bacteria and reduce the amount of rubbing against the tattoo from clothing.. Cleaning the tattoo more frequently and wearing loose fitting clothing is recommended if any of the above conditions exist. Do not expose tattoo to chlorine, salt, alcohol or sun during the healing time (10-15 days), after the tattoo is fully healed using a strong sunscreen will help reduce the amount your tattoo will fade over time.
Music heart tattoo designs
As the tattoo heals it is common for some flaking and scabbing to be present, DO NOT scratch, rub or pick it no matter how itchy it gets, gently smacking around the tattoo can help alleviate some of the itch.
Music heart tattoo designs
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