Friday, January 17, 2014

Sheet music tattoo

Sheet music tattoo

More and more people in the modern world are choosing to get a tattoo. The reasons for this are many and varied - sometimes to display affection, or to send a message, or to show allegiance to a group or clan (such as a military unit). However, many people simply get a unique tattoo to enhance their physical appearance with beautiful, colorful body art.

Sheet music tattoo

 If you have decided to get a new tattoo (or, perhaps even your first tattoo!), then it is important to understand that they are a permanent fixture and will be with you for life. Whilst it is possible to remove tattoos, this is often a lengthy, expensive and painful process. It is far better to get the RIGHT tattoo first time, and then spend the rest of your life proudly displaying it in public and amongst your friends! So, how do you go about choosing a tattoo that is uniquely right for you?

 Know Thyself - This is an often-overlooked and yet CRITICAL aspect of choosing a new tattoo. Remember that no matter how unique your new tattoo might be, there is always going to be something even more unique, and that is you! Think carefully about who you are and the message that you are trying to send to the world - a picture is, after all, worth a thousand words. Choose a tattoo that elegantly expresses not only what you want to say, but also gives viewers an insight into the type of person that you are.

 Select Carefully - Once you have decided on which type of tattoo you would like, look at as many images within that genre that you can. Get ideas from tattoos you have seen on friends or in the media, but don't try to duplicate their tattoo - remember, you are unique, and that is exactly how your new tattoo should be too! Browse images in the larger studios and in the large online databases that are now available. Find two or three that make your short-list, then put them away for a day or so. Go back and select the winner!

 Sheet music tattoo

 Longevity - It is a sad fact that time marches on for everyone. But as you age and your circumstances change, remember that your tattoo will always remain the same. Make sure your body art will be wearable as proudly at age 65 as it is at age 25 - especially in front of your future children.

 Social Acceptance - Whilst some tattoos are cultural in nature and would be acceptable in any company, there are still some pockets of society who frown on tattoos and will summarily judge those who wear them. Although tattoos are much more popular these days and worn by many people, they may still hold up entrance to some clubs or institutions, and may make employment at more conservative enterprises more difficult.

 Placement - Obviously, where you place your tattoo is extremely important, and says as much about you as the tattoo itself. Tattoos on areas of the body which are acceptable to be seen in public will gain a wide audience, enabling people to pass judgement about you before even meeting you (not always in the positive!). Tattoos in other areas of the body usually covered up in public are considered more intimate, and these tattoos would only be seen by closer friends who know you and will probably not pre-judge you on the artwork.

 Sheet music tattoo

 Inscription - When all of the above criteria have been thought about and decided upon, then it is time to get the tattoo finally 'inked' or inscribed upon you. This is usually done at a parlor or studio by professional tattoo artists. Where possible, only use parlors which have an excellent reputation, and it is critical to get examples of previous work done by your choice of artist. If you have created or downloaded a tattoo from the Internet, make sure the printed design is of the highest quality - the better the quality, the easier it will be for the artist to replicate it on your skin! Many countries require parlors to be officially licensed, and attending these studios will greatly reduce the risk of a bad tattoo, and also ensures that instruments are properly sterilized.

 After your new tattoo has been applied, you will feel incredibly different! As long as the tattoo fits your personality and sends the correct impression, a newer and much more decorative 'you' is now ready to proudly face the world!

 Try to avoid tattoos containing the names of friends or loved ones. People come and go - tattoos do not! Don't get drunk and get a tattoo!

Sheet music tattoo


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