Saturday, January 11, 2014

Music tattoo ideas for girls

Music tattoo ideas for girls

The right tattoo on a girl can accentuate her feminine curves while at the same time showing that she is confident and self assured. The key to finding a great tattoo design is to choose something that is personal to you and that is scaled correctly for your body size and for where you are placing the design on your body.

Music tattoo ideas for girls

 Before you even start looking at tattoo ideas you should sit down and take a minute to write down some things that interest you or that have personal meaning for you. You can write down concrete things like "dragons" or "butterflies", or you can write down more abstract concepts like "I want a tattoo that represents the change I am going through in my life right now". Obviously those are just examples, but if you sit down and take a minute to think it out you should be able to come up with a decent sized list of ideas or concepts.

 Once you've written some things down you can start browsing through flash galleries online or looking for pictures for tattoo ideas for girls. Keep your personality in mind when you are browsing as well. For instance, if you are soft and feminine, you may want to look for a tattoo that matches your personality. If you are more edgy you may want to look for a design to match. You'll most likely be happier with your tattoo if you look for something that is a reflection of your style or attitude.

 Keep in mind as well that most tattoo artists are happy to modify designs for you, so if you find a design that is almost right but not perfect you can always have the artist change it so it is ideal.

 Music tattoo ideas for girls

 As far as where to get the tattoo on your body it pretty much comes down to personal taste. If you aren't sure where you want to get the tattoo yet pay attention to pictures of other girls with tattoos and make note of any placements that really catch your eye. Keep in mind as well that tattoos can be used to play up parts of your body that you love or to downplay parts that you don't depending upon their placement. Often times the right placement on the body can make all the difference in how good a tattoo looks so choose your location carefully.

 Your tattoo artist should be able to advise you on the size of tattoo that you should get depending upon the body part that you are getting it on. If the tattoo is too big for the body part it can look awkward, and if it is too small it can get lost. However, your tattoo artist should be able to help you decide what size will look best.

 Music tattoo ideas for girls

 By taking the time to think through your tattoo design and come up with an idea you really love you will be much more likely to be happy with the final outcome for years to come.

 Music tattoo ideas for girls



